REading ADvantage, Inc. offers literacy events and training to families of public
and non-profit organizations.
Build children's lifelong learning paths through reading.
Help children gain an appreciation of global cultures through reading.
Encourage parents (or other adults) to be active participants in their
children's development.
Strengthen bonds between children and parents through reading.
Positively impact children's language vocabulary and reading comprehension.
Build daily reading rituals for families.
Assist families in starting a home library for their children by providing
them with free children's books.
"Read to Me"
Provide "newborn literacy packets" for distribution at
Contra Costa Regional Medical Center in Martinez.
WIC partnership Maintain community children's bookshelves at the San Pablo,
Concord, and Pittsburg offices. Visit with parents in waiting area to
encourage them to read to their children 20 minutes every day. A book
is given to each child.
Head Start partnership Once a recipient of books and training from
REading ADvantage, Inc. and it's volunteers, Head Start embraced the model
and now provides its own funding to purchase books and staff to train
parents to read to their children every day. For participating in the
training, families are provided free books.
Storybook Connection
REadingADvantage's Storybook Connection is a program where volunteers enter our local county
detention facilities to work with incarcerated parents of young children. The goal of the program
is to teach them about the importance of reading to their child and to provide them with a
recordable book that can then be brought to their child so they can hear their parent read to
them in their own voice. Not only does this facilitate a love of reading, but it also helps to
build and strengthen the bond between parent and child. Research has shown that recidivism rates
decline for those that maintain healthy relationships with their children.
Public and non-profit organizations
Distribute books and early literacy materials to organizations and schools that request them for
the families they serve.